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to avoid confusion btw te alpabets we uses a set of defined words eac correspondin to eac alpabet or number. tese set of words are defined by the ITU and are known as ponetics.

-> A = alpha

-> B = bravo

-> C=charlie

-> D=delta

-> E=echo

-> F=foxtrot

-> G=golf

-> H=hotel

-> I=india

-> j=juliet

-> k=kilo

-> l=lima

-> m=mike

-> n=november

-> o=oscar

-> p=papa

-> Q=quebec

-> R=romeo

-> S=sierrea

-> t=tango

-> u=uniform

-> v=victor

-> w=whiskey

-> x=x-ray

-> y=yankee

-> z=zulu

following are the phonetics for the numbers:

-> 1 : una one

-> 2 : bisso two

-> 3 : terra three

-> 4 : karte four

-> 5 : penta five

-> 6 : soxi six

-> 7 : setta seven

-> 8 : okto eight

-> 9 : nove nine

-> 0 : nada zero

-> AA : all after

-> R : roger(received completely)

-> WA : word after

-> WB : word before

-> CQ : a eneral call to every station

-> C : yes

-> K : invite to transmitt

-> CFM : confirmed

-> AB : all before

-> CS : closing down

-> 73s : best regards

-> 99s : get lost

-> 88s : love and kiss

-> 55 : good luck

-> AS : please wait

-> BK : break

-> SK/VA : end of work/contact

-> DE : this is

-> OK : all correct

-> TU : thank you

-> OM : old man

-> YL : young lady

-> NIL : i have noting for you
